A guide focused on primary source collections from government agencies, universities, museums, libraries, and historical organizations. First curated by Erin Owens and Kristina Claunch of Sam Houston State University.
Red Scare: Images from the Interwar PeriodImage database about the period in the history of the United States immediately following World War I. The dates are approximately from the Armistice in November of 1918 to the collapse of hyper-inflation in mid-1920. Seeks to document anti-red / anti-Communist hysteria as well as a wider range of experiences in this period. (Baruch College, CUNY)
Robert Lincoln O'Connell PapersLetters, postcards, photographs, and publications documenting the service of an Irish-American soldier who served as a combat engineer in the First Division of the American Expeditionary Force (A.E.F.) in the First World War. (Catholic Univ. of America)
Veterans History ProjectThe Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. (Library of Congress)
Woodrow Wilson PapersApproximately 280,000 documents, containing personal, family, and official correspondence, White House executive office files, drafts and proofs of books, articles, speeches, academic lectures, scrapbooks, shorthand notes, and memorabilia. Dates range from 1786 to 1957, with the bulk of material falling in the period between 1876 and 1924. (Library of Congress)
World War I Panorama PhotographsThese long panoramic photographs show U. S. military personnel and camps, patriotic parades, and European battlefields and cemeteries related to WWI. (Library of Congress, via Flickr)
World War I Photograph Albums and PostcardsNearly 400 images reproducing two amateur albums of drawings and photographs by Americans serving in France; a series of German photographic postcards; and a French automaker's published album. (New York Public Library)
World War I PostersThe collection is particularly strong in World War I French and American posters, and World War II American "home front" posters. (Univ. of North Texas)