A guide focused on primary source collections from government agencies, universities, museums, libraries, and historical organizations. First curated by Erin Owens and Kristina Claunch of Sam Houston State University.
Oral histories and artifacts pertaining to the Bracero program (George Mason Univ., Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Brown Univ., and Univ. of Texas El Paso)
Primary sources such as proclamations, letters, diaries, images, maps, music, and poetry. (Center for Greater Southwestern Studies, and the Library at the Univ. of Texas at Arlington)
Focuses on untold and silenced stories and events. Includes oral histories of journalists, human rights activists in Mexico, and U.S. immigration policy documentation. (Univ. of Arizona)
Private and public papers of John J. Herrera, 1940s-1970s, with an emphasis on his civic, business, and political activities. (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library)
Over 4,000 images of Tucson's Mexican American community from the Gadsden Purchase until World War II. (Arizona Historical Society Library and Archives)
A self-guided GIS tour highlighting key sites in San Antonio that contributed to the Mexican American Civil Rights movement. (UTSA Libraries, Institute of Texan Cultures)
Photographs and documents that capture business and work experiences, festivals, community events, daily life, and individual achievements. (Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library)
Provides access to digitized photographs, manuscripts, posters, oral histories, videos, maps, and books from libraries, museums, and cultural centers across the state. (Univ. of New Mexico Libraries)
226 digital audio programs related to the Mexican American community and their concerns from the radio series "The Mexican American Experience" and "A esta hora conversamos," the Longhorn Radio Network, 1976-1982. (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
30 original military maps owned by Robert E. Lee. 28 items were used by Lee in Mexico, 1846-1848, when he was serving as a Captain in the U.S. Army Engineers Corps. (Virginia Military Institute)
Archive of approximately 30,000 recordings issued on 78 rpm phonograph recordings during the first half of the 20th century. (Univ. of California Los Angeles)
Collection of primary accounts of the Civil Rights Movement, including the Chicano and Women’s Movements as well as African American. (AARP and Library of Congress)