Professionally developed subject encyclopedia collection. Similar to Wikipedia yet with articles written by known subject experts.
Credo Reference is a multidisciplinary collection of subject encyclopedias and dictionaries. Developed with beginning researchers in mind, it includes resources to help develop search terms, as well as bibliographies that directly link to the library catalog. A strength is the robust quality of the articles written, while a weakness is that it is missing obscure topics. Subscription.
Art focused full-text source for finding background information about art and artists.
Oxford Art Online provides access to the art reference work Grove Dictionary of Art. It is a good starting point for studying an artist, school, medium or theme. Articles are often detailed and include bibliographies for further reading. It includes global coverage but is particularly good for western art. Includes images. Subscription.
Search for books
Use this search box to search for the largest index of books in the world!! IF it is in a library somewhere, it is on this list.
Remember the relevance only drop down option!
To request an item, click on the "Place Hold" or "Request Item" button.
Come see a librarian right away -- even if s/he just presented in your classroom. It isn't cheating.
As soon as you get your assignment, gather your resources. Interlibrary loan takes time, and you would be wise to use it for this assignment.
Go to an encyclopedia entry first and then look up the books from the reference list in the catalog. (Remember the "relevance only" tab).
The catalog has a link for various citation formats (MLA, APA, etc).