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Children's Books and Videos/DVDs
Periodicals and Reference Books
Periodicals and reference books generally do not circulate. See a librarian if special circumstances exist in which you need to borrow a reference book or periodical for a short time (overnight for example).
Physical Media
Digital Media
The library subscribes to two digital video services
New York Times subscription
All members of the Goshen College community can get access to the digital version on the New York Times. Please click here to setup your access.
Family Member Privileges
Overdue and Lost Books
Faculty will be notified of the titles checked out in their name after the due date. Please return or renew books one week after notices are sent. Missing books should be reported to the circulation desk, so that a search can be started. The library will thoroughly search for the missing book. If the book is not returned or renewed one week after the specified due date, the library will forward replacement costs to the faculty member. Replacement costs will include cost of the new book and a service and processing charge of $15.00. Charges should be paid within two weeks after invoice date. Charges not paid within two weeks will be charged to faculty member's campus account. Any charges to accounts will include a $5.00 service charge.
If an item currently checked out by a faculty member is requested by another person, the library will send a request to the faculty member, asking that the item be returned to the library within two weeks of the notice. If a faculty member needs an item that is currently checked out by someone else, the library will contact the person who has the item and ask that it be returned as soon as possible.
The library will not release the names of any person who has checked out a library item unless there is a compelling educational need to know on the part of a faculty member or administrator (see GC privacy rights on the Registrar's web site). However, we will seek the return of the book as soon as possible if it is needed for a class.