Kanopy is a collection of films available to educational institutions for online viewing and streaming. It specializes in documentaries and older classic films. Kanopy films are available to license for these general terms:
- 1 year - $150
- 3 year - $350
- Perpetual Access - $TBD, but frequently between $500 and $700
How long do I have access to the film?.
- These titles are on "loan" to us for 1 year
Does my department have to pay anything for this service / does it come out of our library allocation?
- No (right now). We are renting these titles out of general library funds
What is the intended purpose of this service?
- Because of the expense, we are asking that you use these films if they meet the curricular needs for a class.
- It is NOT intended for research or personal purposes.
- Films can be shown in a classroom setting. They can NOT be screened in venues that are open to the public.
- Students can be given a link that will allow them to watch the films on their own devices on their own time.
Once a Kanopy license is purchased the link can be shared with students, shown in class or included in Moodle.