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Download Zotero and associated plug-ins using these links:
Registering a user account allows you to sync your Zotero library between devices. Use a non-GC personal email address, you can keep this account long after graduation.
Download and install Zotero from the Zotero website.
(There's a different version for each operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.)
Connectors allow your web browser to save citations to your Zotero library.
Open Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox and click the Zotero Connector link for that browser to install it.
Each browser has its own version of the Zotero connector, so if you use multiple browers you'll need to install each connector.
Using your Zotero login you can access your saved citations and references from any computer on which Zotero is installed.
Syncing works in two parts: data syncing and file syncing. Your citations, along with PDFs, audio, video, images, etc. are saved in the cloud.
To ensure that your Zotero library is being synced with (in the 'cloud'):