Business related articles and reports. Helpful when looking for company and industry information.
Business Source Complete is a business centric research collection including scholarly journals, business publications, and trade journals, as well as company and industry reports. Unique sources include Harvard Business Review and Marketline reports. A strength of this collection is its wide breadth of content, while a weakness is the lack of in-depth data such as company and industry financials. INSPIRE.
Newspaper Source Plus provides articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines from around the world. Includes television and radio transcripts and daily updates from popular news sources. INSPIRE.
American newspaper covering all current events. Free individual digital subscriptions for members of the GC community, for details visit
Broad collection of scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers in most academic subjects. A great starting point for any topic!
Academic Search Complete contains 18,000+ multidisciplinary titles indexed and abstracted (16,000+ are peer-reviewed) and 9,000+ full-text publications. Strength and weakness: very broad, so searchers are likely to find results, but may be overwhelmed by quantity. INSPIRE.
Articles focused on the business of healthcare and the healthcare industry.
Health Business FullTEXT is a collection of around 150 administrative titles on the business of health care. Includes 60 peer review journals along with professional publications and magazines. While a relatively small collection, its clear focus provides opportunities for browsing and serendipity finding. INSPIRE.