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Thanks to a library subscription, you have access to a free digital subscription to the New York Times. This is available to all Goshen College community members with a current GC login.
In other words if you are any of the following you are welcome to sign-up for this free subscription:
Are you renewing your New York Times subscription? Skip to these directions.
New User Registration
Go to the sign-up page. You will be prompted to sign-in with your GC username and password. Once you have successfully signed-in, you will see a screen like this:
Select "Create Account."
Complete the sign up form with your GC email or any other preferred email When you see the Start Your Access screen, you have successfully registered.
Currently paying for a NYTimes digital subscription?
If you want to switch your paid digital subscription to a GC sponsored free one, please contact NY Times directly to cancel your paid subscription (1-800-NYTIMES). Once that subscription has been canceled you may select the "Log in here" option and use the same login as from your paid account.
Already have a NYTimes user (as a free trial or email newsletter)?
Go to the sign-up page. Once there, click on "Log in here" instead and use your current account to add the free digital subscription to your account.
Returning Users
Once you have activated your account, you can log into your account at
Mobile Apps
To download your free NYTimes smartphone or iPad apps, go to
If you are having issues with being auto-logged into a Google account when you try to sign-up for your free digital subscription, follow these tips:
Renew Your Subscription
Go to the sign-up page. You will be prompted to sign-in with your GC username and password. Once you have successfully signed-in, you will see a screen like the one below. Select "Log in here"
Fill in the username and password for your expired New York Times subscription account. Then select the type of user you are.
Once you log in you will have another year of free digital access to the New York Times newspaper. Enjoy!
As part of our access to the New York Times online, you also get access to the New York Times in Education. This is a new resource to help both educators and students make the most of’s digital 24/7 content. New content and teaching resources are added to this site on a weekly basis by Faculty Contributors from a variety of institutions.
This site requires a separate registration from your NYTimes Online registration. Simply follow the instructions below to get started.