EBSCO (EBSCO Host) is a collection of databases containing peer review articles. Peer review articles are scholarly and academic sources which:
- Are written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars (chemists, historians, doctors, artists, etc.)
- Use scholarly or technical language
- Articles tend to be long and detailed, about research in a particular academic discipline
- Include full citations for sources
- Are often refereed or peer-reviewed
- Include information about the authors
- Are published by academic organizations
- Note: book reviews and editorials are not considered scholarly articles, even when found in scholarly journals
EBSCO Host peer review articles are organized by subject area. Here are a few key databases:
- Academic Search Premier: multi-disciplinary
- Business Source Complete: business
- CINAHL with Full Text: nursing
- MLA International Bibliography: English
- PsycARTICLES: psychology
EBSCO Host is a great place for college level research after you have your background information. Articles not available "full-text" in EBSCO can be obtained through interlibrary loan free of charge.