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Image Credit: Hip Hop Trooper 07 by Photo Knight under CC BY NC ND 2.0
Here is a basic research recommendation process (Note: below is just one possible process. There are others that are just as effective!...)
1) Browse through the books listed in the Hip-Hop Archive [in Other Hip Hop resources]. Note: Maybe pick a book that is at least 2-3 years old because newer books haven't had the chance to be cited by other scholars yet.
2) Open up the Library Home Page on a new tab
3) Open up Good Scholar on a new tab
4) In Google Scholar, look up the book. [click on the "star" to add it to your list!]
5) In Google Scholar, click on the "cited by" link. Now, click on the star next to the items you like.
6) Once you have 7-10 resources, look at your list.
7) It is now time to search for these items in GC's catalog. Highlight just the title of one of the items you liked and copy. [Note: I like clicking on the citation link -- it looks like a quotation mark -- because the you can copy without worrying about a hyperlink. Simply try to remember an author(s) last name.
8) Go to the Library homepage tab and paste in the title, hit space, and type in the last name you were supposed to remember from step 7. If we have the material, you will be able to click on it. If we do not, you can Inter-Library Loan it from here.
9) You are NOT alone in this process. Any of us in the library are more than happy to help you. Come by anytime or you can schedule an appointment . Our hours and appointment information are on the library home page. Come and see us ... it really does make you day!