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Walker, L., Abraham, A., & Tercyak, K. (2010). Adolescent caffeine use, ADHD, and cigarette smoking. Children's Health Care, 39(1), 73– 90.
(Walker et al., 2010)
Primary aim of study is to see if ADHDer adolescents are more likely to use caffeine than non-ADHDer adolescents (p. 75)
Sample size of study is 448 adolescents (p. 76)
The study concluded that "participants who were older, Caucasian, living in higher income neighborhoods, with a positive history of lifetime cigarette use, and affected by ADHD were the most likely to have consumed all caffeinated beverages and any caffeinated coffee within the past 30 days." (p. 81)
Males were also more likely to consume caffeine. (p. 81)