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Goshen College has a copyright committee that periodically reviews copyright issues and questions as they effect the campus community. Please reach out to any of the following members if there is a copyright question you want advise on or wish for the committee to discuss.
How long do copyrights last?
What works are not protected by copyright law?
Who owns the copyright?
What are the rights of copyright owners?
What are the exceptions to the rights of copyright owners ?
What is fair use?
Principles for working with fair use:
Use this Fair Use Checklist, based on work by Kenneth Crews, Columbia University, to determine whether you may make copies of works protected by copyright without having to obtain permission of the copyright holders.
Source: Crews, K.D. (2005). Copyright law for librarians and educators: Creative strategies and practical solutions. Chicago: American Library Association.
Updated 11-Feb-2020 FH