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PSYCH 210 Developmental Psychology (Amanda Sensenig) - Spring 2015: Home

Credo Reference Online & CQ Researcher

Both of these resources are a good way to get started...





  • Use this search box to search for books around the world!!
  • Remember the relevance only drop down
  • To request an item, click on "Request Item" button.  Do NOT click on the "HOLDS" button for now.

TIPS and HINTS for Books


  • Go to an encyclopedia entry first and then look up the books from the reference list in the catalog.  (Remember the "relevance only" tab and to get "books" note "ebooks".)
  • On your interlibrary loan form, put in the date the assignment is DUE as your "Need By" date. We will get it as soon as we can, and putting in an earlier date will NOT make it come any sooner.
  • As soon as you get your assignment, gather your resources. Interlibrary loan takes time for books, and you would be wise to use it for this assignment.
  • Come see a librarian right away -- even if s/he just presented in your classroom. It isn't cheating.

Classroom Evaluation

Please click here to fill out an evaluation form for this class.

Good Library Search

Search for an item at Good Library:


Option: Advanced Search

  • This search will get you both books and articles found in the library. 
  • Use the facets (on the left side of the page) to limit your results like you want.  It is common to limit by "article" and "full text".
  • You can ILL articles as well!  We will email you the article.

EBSCO databases

  • You may find the EBSCO interface yields more specific results
  • With EBSCO, you can choose which databases you want to search.  For your class, I would suggest the following...
    • Academic Search Premier
    • Communication & Mass Media Complete (for some topics)
    • ERIC (for some topics)
    • Health Source - Consumer Edition (for some topics)
    • PsycARTICLES (for all of your topics)
    • PsycINFO (for all of your topics)
    • Social Sciences Full Text - H.W.Wilson (for all of your topics)
    • SocINDEX with Full Text (for all of your topics)
  • Pay attention to the facets on the side.  You can use them to change your results quickly.
  • You can InterLibrary Loan articles as well if we do not have the full text.  The article will usually come in a day or two.